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It’s been established that video content on social media is a powerful tool to grow brand awareness, gain clients and build connections. Short-form video content is the strongest form of video marketing in 2022, providing even more powerful outcomes. 

According to HubSpot’s recent survey on 2022 marketing trends, short-form video has the highest return on investment of any social media marketing strategy, so prioritizing it will prove key to marketing success in the year ahead. This type of video content lives on Instagram Reels, Tik Tok, Youtube Shorts, and Facebook Reels. If your business has a presence on one of these platforms, utilize short-form video.

Why is short-form video so effective?

One of the reasons why short-form video produces a high ROI is because it’s so shareable. According to Hubspot, people share videos at twice the rate of any other form of content. They also found that 84% of people were convinced to buy a product or service based on the brand’s video. If someone shares a video of your product with their friends or followers, and people are more likely to buy a product from a shared video, creating a shareable video can lead to more sales. 

How can you best utilize short-form video on your business’s social media?

Keep in mind that users have to spend only a few moments with the content, so it should be engaging from start to finish. The experience of your customers viewing these videos is different than a typical social media feed. They will consume this content either in their news feed on Instagram or Facebook, or on a video-only feed on those platforms, or on Tik Tok. 

Tik Tok established the layout that many other platforms follow. On that app, users can either scroll through videos created by accounts they follow, or a personalized discovery-style feed from users they don’t follow, but will most likely enjoy based on the other content they engage with. All of these feeds are algorithmic now as opposed to chronological.

All types of businesses are reaping success from short-form video content:

For your business, this means that your main goal with a video is to foster interaction such as liking, commenting, and sharing. That way, your videos will continue to be recommended to the same users, so they can have more touchpoints with your brand. It’s also important to capture your viewer’s attention as early in the video as possible, as attention spans continue to decrease. 

Most of the format of short-form video content revolves around “trends”, which cycle through every 3-5 days. Popular trends often revolve around viral audio clips, TikTok dances, editing effects, and transitions, so marketers have to be regularly engaged on these platforms to understand what’s most popular and how that might fit into their brand strategy. You can also create a trend or challenge based on your brand! 

You may be wondering if your business can fit into this style of content. The answer is that you can! You don’t have to be a trendy product-based business or only target Gen Z. For example, Carpet Repair Guys, a Bay Area carpet repair business that has turned the easily-overlooked art of carpet repair into a true Tik Tok phenomenon—to the tune of 762,000 followers and 19.6 million likes. They show the process of repairing carpets in a soothing and satisfying way. In order to make this happen, founder Josh Nolan created a brand personality for the app and matched a video style to it. 

Here’s a video case study showing Carpet Repair Guy’s Success:

At Studio Multimedia 99 we can provide an engaging short-form video strategy  that will help you tap into new markets, expand your exposure and gain new customers. 

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