(503) 395-7706 [email protected]

What We Do


Services For All Business Types and Budgets

Our clients are remarkably diverse: we work with enterprise and small companies with large and small budgets. We help them grow, sustain, and transform: whatever it takes to embrace their future. We take the time to learn about your company values, and provide superior customer service. We have a team full of talented people with a wide variety of skills.

website development - studio 99 services
Website Development & Administration

While we can do any component of web work, we are far more than just “web designers”. Our full service web program makes your life easier, we monitor your online presence and help you keep it aligned with your goals.

social media marketing - studio 99 services
Social Media Marketing
We are fully customizable, and build social marketing strategies tailored to your business needs! We research what works in your industry including posts, times to post, hashtags, and more!
video production - studio 99 services
Multimedia Production

We have produced Multimedia content for over 20 years. We are the go-to company for all of your media needs.

strategic communication - studio 99 services
Strategic Communications
Let us help you send the message effectively. Whether you’re looking for advertising, public relations, or management communications, we do it all, and we excel at it!
virtual Tours - studio 99 services
Virtual Staging Services
We offer 360 virtual tours. This technology allows businesses to give customers a glimpse into their facilities and residences. High-quality virtual tours include house tours, real estate marketing, and other industries.
online learning - studio 99 services
E-Learning Development

We create effective online training for a multitude of industries.

Close-up of a person using a laptop with a photo editing software open. Their hand is on the trackpad, and a smartphone lies next to the laptop on the right. In the background, an iced drink with a straw sits on the table. | Studio 99 Multimedia
Remote Media Services

Our remote video interview-style service ensures seamless communication for your video production needs, We can record video-style interviews using Zoom services from any location.

Our Latest Video Services

We are excited to share these new video services to help with your business needs. This video shows some examples of what we now have to offer including drone services, virtual 360 tours, animations, and more!


“The residency program would like to thank you all for your expertise and efforts in creating our new FANTASTIC website. The feedback we have had from applicants is very positive and the quality of our applicants has not changed during Covid, in large part, due to your efforts.
Personally, it has been a pleasure working with you all! I look forward to our continued collaboration in 2021!”
-Michelle H.

“Thanks to such a great team for putting together a fantastic website!”
-James D.G.

“Just reviewing all of the videos we have made for the Behavioral Health Consultants and training programs…. HOLY HELL are they good!!! Thank you all again for helping make these videos and making CHCW, and Yakima, look pretty freaking AWESOME!!!”
-Dave B.

“I really appreciate all the support, direction and knowledge you all give us. It feels incredible to know that we made such an improvement!”
-Clinic Manager

Get In Touch

Let Us Tell Your Story

+1 (503) 395-7706

[email protected]

Yakima | Seattle | Phoenix

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